Posted by : Unknown
Kamis, 05 Desember 2013
Other Roles
See also: Category:Escape
Escape heroes are heroes equipped with one or more escape mechanisms
which allow them (or sometimes their allies) to avoid damage and
abilities while retreating or repositioning themselves during a
teamfight or gank. Escape heroes are particularly suited to soloing the
"suicide lane" or short lane, as they can turn situations where death is
inevitable into a temporary delay in farm. Escape mechanisms include
movement speed buffs, invisibility, teleportation (such as Blinking),
and evasion. Many carry heroes also have escape mechanisms to give them
the survivability they need to continue farming and killing.
Semi-Carries are heroes with strong early or middle game power that drop off later in the game; they carry half of the game. This can be due to poor farming ability, low stat gain, low mobility, non-scaling spells, a lack of escape mechanisms, or any combination of the previous. The Semi-Carry, although long acknowledged in the community, is not a role recognized by Valve, likely because of the high ambiguity in defining the role.Early on, the Semi-Carries typically take the lead in asserting map control to allow the Carry to farm. A Semi-Carry will often take the middle lane, allowing them access to both side lanes. A team typically has one or two Semi-Carries, depending on the laning strategy. If there is a Jungler, expect to see a Semi-Carry solo in the long lane (bottom for Radiant and top for Dire).
By the end of the middle game period, Semi-Carries transition into a more supportive role. This is not to say that they play Support; this is simply the point where their damage and capabilities are outstripped by "hard" Carries.
- Examples:
See also: Category:Supports
"Can focus less on amassing gold and items, and more on using their abilities to gain an advantage for the team."
Supports are heroes whose purpose is to keep their allies alive and give them opportunities to earn more gold and experience. Supports will usually come with skills, such as healing spells or skills that disable enemies; and generally have low damage output (but often with a powerful-yet-situational ultimate). Like Semi-Carries, Supports are not dependent on items (with some exceptions), and thus, most of their gold will be spent on items for the benefit of the team such as Animal Courier, Observer Ward, Sentry Ward, and Smoke of Deceit.
Supports are typically paired with the team's Carry at the start of a game. This is because the Carry tends to be the weakest and most gold-hungry member of the team early on, whereas support heroes are at their strongest in the early game. A Support should always forfeit kills to any teammates who are more reliant on items than s/he is, only performing a kill if none of his/her allies are able to do it.
- Examples:
Ancient Apparition,
Witch Doctor,